- Compatible with any device
- Highly flexible and customizable
- Built-in top level security
- All major voting methods
- Powerful election administration tools
- Fully hosted, no software installation required
- Sophisticated auditing tools
- Fantastic 24/7 support based in USA, EU and Australia.
Secure voting
We use the highest security standards and vote verification protocol. Voters can only vote once. Votes are secret, tamper-proof and verifiable and your data is secure, backed-up and protected. More on Security >
Anonymity options
Sophisticated transparency options where voting can be absolutely anonymous where there is no link recorded in the database between the vote and the voting account or fully transparent like a show of hands, or various shades in between.
Multi-factor authentication
Many voter authentication methods including SMS-PIN two-factor authentication, and many common single sign-on (SSO) remote authentication methods such as CAS, Shibboleth, SOAP, LDAP, Flexmls, Facebook and others.
One-click voting
Notify your voters via email with a unique one-click link that automatically logs them into the ballot – simply click and vote.
Voter segmentation
Group your voters and ballots into as many different voting groups as you wish. You decide which ballots each group of voters can access.
Accessible voting
The ballots are ADA and Section 508 compliant which means voters with visual impairments can vote.
Integrated bulk emailer
Send and manage personalized emails with automatic sign-in link – voters simply click and vote. Schedule reminder emails for voters who have not yet voted.
Customizable ballots
Customize your ballots with your company logo, candidate pictures and bios, banners and font styling. So the ballots can fully reflect your branding.
Many languages are supported and more can be added as required. The ballots automatically default to the voter’s preferred language, or voters can choose a language.
Transparent audit and vote verification
Invented by BigPulse this process enables voters to self-audit the vote counts and verify the accurate recording of their own votes. Each voter receives a confirmation email with a unique vote receipt.
All voting methods
All major voting methods are supported: First Past The Post; Single Transferable Vote (STV) – proportional representation, Ranked Choice Voting, preferential, instant runoff; weighted voting, split voting, cumulative voting, range voting and more.
Online nominations allow candidates to self-nominate and add data, which is then managed by your designated administrator from the Nomination Dashboard. All nomination data is automatically transferred to the voting ballots after nominations close, which will save you time and effort.
Candidate rotation
Use candidate rotation to remove bias caused by the order of the candidates in the ballot. Candidates are rotated upwards by one position after each vote.
Candidate write-ins
Accept candidate write-ins with ease and count write-in votes automatically. Control undervotes and overvotes automatically.
Input paper ballots
Quickly and accurately input paper ballots, proxy holders and their proxy votes. Includes a double entry option to eliminate data entry errors.
Votes counted live
All votes are counted live. You can view the live vote stats via the Dashboard and in the election result reports.
See who voted
Monitor who has voted at any time except for ballots using the highest level anonymity setting.
Send reminder emails
Schedule and send reminder emails to people who have not yet voted in selected ballots.
Automated feedback processing
Feedback from voters is processed automatically and administrators receive instant notifications with recommended actions.
Automated support requests
Support requests create an automatic email thread that includes your team and BigPulse project managers. Everyone is kept in the loop and support requests get logged.
GDPR compliant
We comply with General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) guidelines when handling data originating from the EU.
Weighted voting
Allow some votes to carry more weight than others. Often used for Shareholder AGM voting. The same voter can have different weights in different ballots enabling voting in companies with overlapping shareholders. Split voting is also available.
Single Transferable Vote (STV)
BigPulse has extensive experience with STV and instant-runoff voting methods, and there are many sophisticated built-in configuration options.
Repeat voting
Repeat voting enables voters to change their vote a set number of times however only the last vote is counted. This can be used in all ballots except when absolute anonymity is set.
Easy to use Election Dashboard
– Fully-Managed Service – After we setup your election use the Election Dashboard to easily monitor and manage key aspects of your election.
Fully featured admin
– Self-Managed Service – Create your ballots quickly with the ballot-template wizard and manage your election with the fully featured Election Manager. Use sophisticated tools to configure your election the way you want it.
Multiple Administrators
Add multiple administrators with different permissions for staff and external auditors to access the election administration area.
Administrator Activity Tracking
Secure administrator access with transparent and fully auditable activity logs and change tracking.
Vote encryption
Ballots can be run in encryption mode. This means all votes are encrypted not only in the transfer process to our servers but also at the moment of storing in the database on BigPulse servers.
Download vote data
Download raw vote data for audits or graphical analysis. When using anonymous voting this does not compromise the anonymity of voters.
Reporting results
Tabulated election results are reported using a secure BigPulse URL. This shows that the vote counts are reported without risk of interference from third parties or any party with a possible interest in the outcome.
Real-Time voting with instant results
Open and close individual ballots and output results instantly. Perfect for AGMs and virtual meetings where results need to be shared after each vote.
Certified security
Our servers are scanned daily by McAfee SECURE, that certifies: – No malware and malicious links – No phishing – No exploitable weaknesses – A valid SSL certificate
High performance
Our standard configuration will easily handle 40 parallel sessions which represents thousands of people voting simultaneously. Higher volume configurations can be created on request.
BigPulse is built on a multi-tiered architecture which means increased performance, scalability and redundancy. Web application, Database and Email sub-systems are physically separated.
And much more
These are some of the key features and BigPulse offers much more. Have questions? Contact us >