Save time and effort
Run online Homeowners’ Associations elections for a range of votes including board positions, council elections, budget approvals, to gather feedback and more. Save time and effort by eliminating time consuming and costly paper based elections.
Increase voter turnout
Boost voter participation by 50-100% by offering convenient online voting, enabling members to vote from anywhere on any device. Owners who are not able to attend the meeting will not be disenfranchised. Always meet quorum! Invite Homeowners to vote via single-click emails and send automatic reminders.
Easy to setup and manage
Efficiently manage online voting with our easy-to-use election admin tools and dedicated ongoing support. Group your voters and polls into as many different voting groups as you wish, and decide which polls each group of voters can access. Manage the electoral roll easily with the ability to add/edit new voters as needed.
Your trusted election partner
With over 20 years’ experience working with Homeowners’ Associations BigPulse understands your needs and has a proven track record. We will facilitate a secure and auditable online vote for your HOA, and take the worry out of your election.
Your trusted election partner
With over 20 years’ experience working with Homeowners’ Associations BigPulse will facilitate a secure and auditable online vote for your HOA, and take the worry out of your election.
Our easy-to-use online voting system has all the security features and embedded best practices to ensure your election’s success. And we’ll support you all the way.
HOAs that rely on BigPulse